Publishing Guaranteed Delivery in .NET

A description of the functionality required to implement Guarenteed Delivery for an input adapter that uses .NET SDK methods.



Establish a session


Create and publish batches of messages


Re-establish a session after a failure


Request the ID of the last batch processed by Sybase CEP Engine


See the SDK reference documentation in the directory sdk/net3/doc under your installation directory for specific syntax and usage information.

You can see these methods being used in the file Example_13_WorkingWithGuaranteedDelivery.cs:

Establish a Session

The following two example lines create a publisher object with guaranteed processing enabled and establishe the connection:

publisher = engineClient.CreatePublisherWithGuaranteedDelivery(inStream, publisherSessionID);

The first parameter of the CreatePublisherWithGuaranteedDelivery method specifies the stream the publisher will write messages to, and the second parameter is the session ID.

Create and Publish a Batch

Here the example creates a batch of messages to be published:

IBatchOfMessages batch1 = mf.NewBatchOfMessages(msgList1, batchID1); 

The first parameter is the list of messages and the second is the batch ID.

Here the example publishes the batch of messages:


Re-Establish a Session

After a (simulated) failure, the example re-establishes the session using exactly the same methods as for the initial connection:

publisher = engineClient.CreatePublisherWithGuaranteedDelivery(inStream, publisherSessionID);

The session ID used here is the same as the ID used the first time, identifying this as a reconnect.

Request Last Batch ID

After reconnecting, the example requests the ID of the last batch of messages Sybase CEP Engine processed:

lastBatchID = publisher.LastBatchId; 

The publisher now knows where to restart processing.