Start the Sybase CEP Server on Microsoft Windows

Use the command-line to start Sybase CEP Server on Microsoft Windows.

On Microsoft Windows, the server is started with a command similar to:

C:\Program Files\SybaseC8\Server\bin\c8_server.exe
-c=C:\Program Files\SybaseC8\Server\conf\c8-server.conf

This command should all be on one line even though it's not shown on one line in this manual. The "-c=C:\Program Files\SybaseC8\Server\conf\c8-server.conf" indicates which server configuration file the server should use.

If you try to start the server directly with only the command "c8_server.exe", you will likely see a message that includes:

license file was not found

If you do not specify the configuration file, the Sybase CEP Server will not know where to look for the license file.