Project Portability

A description of best practices for deploying Sybase CEP projects from the development environment to the production environment. Includes instruction on directory layout, bindings, copying files, and recompiling.

You are probably going to develop your Sybase CEP project on a development system, communicating with a development Sybase CEP Server before deploying your project to production systems that communicate with production Sybase CEP Servers. To make the transition from the development environment to the production environment as easy as possible, follow these best practices:

Directory Layout

Use a single top-level directory for all files related to a single project (the project file, query modules, and schemas, as well as data input files). Put the project file (.ccp) at the top level of the project directory. If your project uses adapters that read from files (the CSV, Binary, or XML read-from-file adapters), specify the path to any input file relative to the $Project variable. For more information about specifying input file paths, see "Configuring Sybase CEP Adapters" in the Sybase CEP Integration Guide.


When you bind data streams, specify relative URIs rather than absolute URIs. For example, instead of ccl://host:port:/Stream/Default/InstrumentIn/StocksIn, just use /Stream/Default/InstrumentIn/StocksIn. As long as both projects are running within the same Sybase CEP cluster, Sybase CEP Server will locate the correct project and data stream. For more information about bindings, see "Creating Data Stream Bindings" in the Sybase CEP Studio Guide.

Copying Files

When you are ready to deploy your project, copy your project files to the new server, placing all your .ccl files together in same place (duplicating the directory structure from your development system is probably the easiest solution).

If the input files for your adapters are in a different location on the new server, be sure to change the associated path property to match.


You can compile your project locally and run it on a remote server using the command c8_client --cmd=compile-and-run. For more information about this command, see "Compiling and Running a Project" in the Sybase CEP Integration Guide.

Created March 8, 2010. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: