
An example that monitors the status of 30 switches.

Every switch has four to six sensors associated with it. Every sensor is either a voltage or current sensor. Every switch reports once per second on its state, which may be "on" (closed) or "off" (open); this information arrives in input stream StreamSwitchStates. Every sensor reports its value once per second; these rows arrive in streams StreamVoltage or CurrentAlerts, whichever is appropriate.

The queries in this example generate two kinds of alerts: "swing alerts" and "switch alerts". Swing alerts are issued when the value reported by a single sensor changes by at least a threshold amount within a specified interval. Switch alerts are generated when a switch is thrown, but the voltage or current reported by at least one of the switch's associated sensors does not change significantly and immediately.

Created March 8, 2010. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: pubs@sybase.com