Help Menu

A description of features you can access from the Help Menu in Sybase CEP Studio.

Get Help

Opens a browser window displaying the Sybase CEP documentation section relevant to the active Sybase CEP Studio component.

Online Help & Documentation

Opens a browser window displaying the documentation page of the Sybase Web site.

Contact Sybase CEP Support

Creates a Zip file containing the selected project's files and then opens a browser window to the Support page of the Sybase Web site, where you can submit the Zip file along with your question.


Opens a browser window displaying the Sybase CEP documentation.

Individual document names

Opens a browser window displaying the specified area of the Sybase CEP documentation.

Sybase CEP News

Opens a window displaying the latest information from Sybase CEP.

About Sybase CEP Studio

Opens a window displaying version and copyright information about Sybase CEP Studio.

Created March 8, 2010. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: