Sybase CEP Studio Settings: Stream Viewer Tab

A description of functions you can access from the Stream Viewer tab under Sybase CEP Studio Settings.

Rows to display

The maximum number of rows viewers can display at any given time. For viewing windows, set this number to at least twice the number of rows retained by the window. Otherwise the viewer may display inaccurate data.

Timestamp format

A format for displaying row timestamps. For more information, see "Timestamp Format Codes" in the Sybase CEP CCL Reference Guide.

Timestamp timezone

The time zone for displaying row timestamps.

Show timestamp column

Whether or not the timestamp column is displayed.

Show deleted rows

Whether or not rows that have just been deleted from a named window appear in the viewer. If selected, deleted rows appear crossed out when they are first deleted, then disappear from the viewer when the CCL statement executes again.

Rows coloring

The background color for rows, either None for all white, or Zebra for alternating between white and gray after the specified number of rows.

New messages are appended to the

Where new rows appear in a viewer, either Top or Bottom.

Created March 8, 2010. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: