View Menu

A description of functions you can access from the View Menu in Sybase CEP Studio.

Go to Parent Module

Transfers the focus from a submodule to its parent module.

Zoom in Flow View

Zooms in to the Flow view diagram.

Zoom out Flow View

Zooms out of the Flow view diagram.

Center Flow View

Centers the Flow view diagram and resizes it to fit in the window.

Show Selected in Flow View

Centers the diagram around the selected component, if the component is outside the frame of the window.

Automatic Flow View Layout

Resets the Flow view diagram to its default layout.

Show Runtime Information

In the Flow view, displays or hides the number of rows processed by CCL statements. See Viewing Project Data Flow in the Flow View.

Explorer View

Displays or hides the Explorer view.

Output View

Displays or hides the Output view.

Flow View

Displays or hides the Flow view.

Properties View

Displays or hides the Properties view.

Status View

Displays or hides the Status view.


Module: Displays or hides the Module toolbar.

Editor: Displays or hides the Editor toolbar.

Compile: Displays or hides the Compile toolbar.

Stream Viewer: Displays or hides the Stream Viewer toolbar.

Restore Default Layout

Restores views and toolbars to their default positions.

Created March 8, 2010. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: