Preventing misuse of ciphertext

The CONVERSION_MODE database option restricts implicit conversion between binary data types (BINARY, VARBINARY, and LONG BINARY) and other nonbinary data types (BIT, TINYINT, SMALLINT, INT, UNSIGNED INT, BIGINT, UNSIGNED BIGINT, CHAR, VARCHAR, and LONG VARCHAR) on various operations. Use CONVERSION_MODE to prevent implicit data type conversions of encrypted data that would result in semantically meaningless operations:


Setting CONVERSION_MODE to 1 restricts implicit conversion of binary data types to any other nonbinary data type on INSERT and UPDATE commands, and in queries. The restrict binary conversion mode also applies to LOAD TABLE default values and CHECK constraint.

The CONVERSION_MODE option default value of 0 maintains the implicit conversion behavior of binary data types in versions of Sybase IQ earlier than 12.7.

See “CONVERSION_MODE option” in Chapter 2, “Database Options” of Reference: Statements and Options.