Synchronizing and starting the multiplex server (manual method)

Generate a db file from the coordinator’s catalog store and copy it to the newly created reader server’s directory, then start the new server.

Alternatively, you can do this in Sybase Central by right-clicking the multiplex server icon and selecting Control | Synchronize.

StepsManually starting the multiplex server

  1. If it has not been created already, create the multiplex server directory. Following the convention of this demo, the multiplex directory is:

    • On UNIX /myiqdemo/r2

    • On WindowsC:\myiqdemo/r2

  2. Change to the newly created multiplex server directory:

    • On UNIX cd /myiqdemo/r2

    • On Windowscd C:\myiqdemo/r2

  3. If it does not exist, copy the params.cfg from the coordinator directory to the reader’s directory.

  4. If a previous transaction log file exists in the directory (for example, mpx.log), remove it. Leaving old transaction logs in a multiplex server directory after synchronizing may stop the server from starting.

  5. From the command line, run the following commands, substituting the appropriate path name, host name, and server name for the new multiplex server. Type each command below on a single line.

    • On UNIX –

      dbbackup -y -d -c 'uid=DBA;pwd=sql;eng=SUN62574_iqdemo;links="tcpip{host=SUN62574;port=2638}"' . 
      rm –rf "iqdemo.log" 
      dblog -r -t "iqdemo.log" "iqdemo.db"
      start_iq @params.cfg 
      -n SUN62574_iqdemo_r2 
      -x "tcpip{host=SUN62574;port=2640}" iqdemo.db 
    • On Windows

      dbbackup -y -d -c "uid=DBA;pwd=sql;eng=PC62573_iqdemo;links=tcpip{host=PC62573;port=2638}" . 
      erase /F /Q "iqdemo.log" 
      dblog -r -t "iqdemo.log" "iqdemo.db" 

      start_iq @params.cfg 
      -n PC62573_iqdemo_r2 
      -x "tcpip{host=PC62573;port=2640}" iqdemo.db

      Generally, you would use ODBC DSN for dbbackup, and edit the configuration file, add the links information, and the server name in the configuration file to start the server.

      NoteA delay of 60 minutes or more between Step 3 and Step 5 may cause a problem starting the server. This is because the default value of MPX_AUTOEXCLUDE_TIMEOUT is 60 minutes.

      To correct the problem, connect to the coordinator and include the new server using ALTER MULTIPLEX SERVER <new-server> STATUS INCLUDED. After that, synchronize again (run dbbackup and dblog) and restart the server.

  6. Confirm that the server is running by connecting to it using Interactive SQL.