Known Issues for SAP Control Center

Known issues and workarounds for SAP Control Center core functionality, which is present in all product modules.

Change Request Number Description



An operating system issue can prevent SCC from starting in some versions of Linux.

Errors report that the SQL Anywhere scc_repository database cannot be started. Related SQL Anywhere CRs: 734192, 728597.

The OS issue is a possible transparent huge page bug in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 and other Linux distributions with kernel versions greater than 2.6.38. The Red Hat tracking number is 891857.

Workaround: If SCC fails to start on a host running Linux, particularly RHEL 6 or later, and you see errors about the scc_repository database, set the environment variable SA_DISABLE_DIRECTIO to 1 and start SCC again.


When you use a 64-bit version of Internet Explorer 8 or 9 to read SCC online help, graphics may fail to load.

Each missing graphic is replaced with a red X. The problem is most noticeable on the landing page when you first open the online help.

Workaround: Use an earlier or a 32-bit version of IE, or use another browser.


Script execution is not logged as expected on UNIX.

Alert-triggered script executions are not being recorded in SCC-3_2\log\alert-server.log or SCC-3_3\log\alert-server.log as they are supposed to be. Information about the execution from the RemoteShell Service’s ProcessRunner is appearing in SCC-3_2\log\agent.log or SCC-3_3\log\agent.log, but this is not the alert script execution code that we expect to see logged in alert-server.log.

Workaround: None.


You cannot use incremental backups of the SCC repository to recover the database.

  1. Shut down SCC.
  2. Open this file in a text editor:

    SCC 3.2.x: SCC-3_2/services/SccSADataserver/service-config.xml

    SCC 3.3: SCC-3_3/services/SccSADataserver/service-config.xml

  3. Delete this line:
    <set-property property="com.sybase.asa.database.options" value="-m" />
  4. Save the changes and start SCC.

You can restore the repository database using incremental backups taken after this change.


Datatips in monitoring views and the statistics chart appear in fixed locations on the browser screen regardless of where the chart is located. If you move the chart on the screen, the datatips do not move with the chart.

(A datatip is a tooltip that displays the data value for a particular spot on a graph or chart when you mouse over that spot.) This occurs in all product module plug-ins.

Workaround: None. This is an Adobe Flex SDK issue.


Pressing F5 to refresh your browser logs you out of SCC.

Browser refresh does not refresh data inside SCC, but refreshes the loaded application or pages in the browser—in this case, the Adobe Flash on which SCC is built. Consequently, pressing F5 logs you out of any servers you are currently logged in to, including SCC.

Workaround: Do not use F5 when you are logged in to SCC.


Cannot log in because the SCC HTTP redirect fails when you use IPv6 format.

If you use an IPv6 HTTP URL for SCC, it does not redirect to HTTPS as it should. For example, this URL does not work:


Workaround: Use a URL with the HTTPS format and port to connect to SCC in IPv6 networks. For example:
