Known Issues for Adaptive Server

Known issues and workarounds for Sybase Control Center for Adaptive Server.

Change request number Description

Recommended interval between data collections is now 5 minutes or more.

The Setting up Statistics Collection help topic recommends setting the interval between scheduled data collections to 60 seconds or more. Disregard this. Sybase now recommends an interval of at least 5 minutes.


Opening the Statement Cache window on the Adaptive Server Monitor results in an error:

[error#=12052] Collection of monitoring data for table 'monCachedStatement' requires that the 'statement cache size' configuration option(s) be enabled. To set the necessary configuration, contact a user who has the System Administrator (SA) role.

This error occurs because the statement cache is not configured on the monitored Adaptive Server.

Workaround: Configure the statement cache of the Adaptive Server.

618501 Authentication of Unified Agent for Adaptive Server 15.5 fails on Windows.
The attempt to authenticate the Sybase Control Center Adaptive Server Administer dashboard with the Unified Agent managing an Adaptive Server fails when all these conditions are met:
  • Adaptive Server version is 15.5.
  • Adaptive Server is running on the Windows 32-bit or 64-bit platforms.
  • The Unified Agent is configured to use the NT login module.
  • The Sybase Control Center user attempts to authenticate using the Windows login and password.

Workaround: Use the Simple Login Module of the Unified Agent to maintain a local list of logins and passwords for each Unified Agent installation. When using the Simple Login Module, you must encrypt the password values using the passencrypt utility that is part of the Unified Agent installation.

617047 The Shutdown dialog on the Adaptive Server Administration dashboard shows a stale process list and displays a security authorization error when resource credentials are changed while the Administration dashboard is open.

Workaround: Close, then reopen the Adaptive Server Administration dashboard.

616855 The allocation information about devices for an Adaptive Server that is configured to use the Chinese language and character set appear in Chinese rather than in English.

Click the Devices Used tab to see allocation information.

Workaround: None.

613300 Errors are reported on the Sybase Control Server console if a managed Adaptive Server resource is unavailable.
Workaround: Use this procedure to prevent repeating error messages:
  1. Right-click the Adaptive Server resource.
  2. Select Properties.
  3. Select Collection Jobs.
  4. Select all listed jobs.
  5. To suspend all collections on the Adaptive Server resource, click Suspend Schedule.
  6. To start collections when the Adaptive Server resource is available, click Resume Schedule.
612680 When you use Sybase Control Center to start an Adaptive Server, the error log table appears but does not include any rows until the server starts.

Workaround: None.

611398 Under certain conditions, the Adaptive Server Administration dashboard does not include the expected list of running processes in the Shutdown Server dialog box.

Workaround: Close, then reopen the Adaptive Server Administration dashboard.


When opened, the View Errorlog dialog reports No data and errors are reported in the agent.log file for the Unified Agent managing Adaptive Server 15.5.

Workaround: Install an updated version of the Adaptive Server Agent plug-in:
  1. Shut down the Unified Agent managing the Adaptive Server.
  2. Rename the Adaptive Server Agent plug-in file in the Adaptive Server installation area: $SYBASE/UAF-2_5/plugins/com.sybase.ase/lib/ASEAgentPlugin.jar .
  3. Copy the Adaptive Server Agent plug-in from: $SYBASE/SCC-3_1/plugins/ASEMAP/lib/ASEAgentPlugin.jar to $SYBASE/UAF-2_5/plugins/com.sybase.ase/lib/ASEAgentPlugin.jar.
  4. Start the Unified Agent managing the Adaptive Server.
606676 If the network connection to the Unified Agent host is inactive, the Adaptive Server Administration window reports that the Unified Agent is not registered.
Note: Do not reregister the agent if this occurs.

Workaround: Restore the network connection to the Unified Agent host machine.

596022 The Adaptive Server Monitor screens for an Adaptive Server cluster may not respond while a failover operation is occurring in the cluster.

Workaround: None.

589902 In some cases, Sybase Control Center displays incorrect values for size and amount of space used by a segment in cluster configurations.

This affects the data and charts that appear on the Details tab of the Segments screen.

Workaround: None.


Exception error: invoking method getRelatedManagedObjects.

This error occurs when two users attempt to validate a resource at exactly the same time.

Workaround: Ignore the exception error and retry the task.


The Adaptive Server-specific columns in the heat chart show an incorrect label value.

The Adaptive Server-specific columns in the heat chart do not display the correct label value of “Normal,” “Warning,” or “Critical” if the threshold value is changed when you create an alert.

Workaround: Close, then reopen the heat chart.


After the Sybase Control Center server automatically renames the agent.log file, Sybase Control Center for Adaptive Server continues to write entries to the original log file.

Workaround: None.