You can control whether to display the last modification date, compilation date, size, SCC version number, and comments (if a comment was created when an object or library was created) in the List view.
The version number column in the Library painter list view remains blank if the source control system for your workspace does not support the PowerBuilder extension to the SCC API. If your source control system supports this extension and if you are connected to source control, you can override the SCC version number of a PowerScript object in the local copy directory through the property sheet for that object.
For more information about listing the SCC version number and overriding it through the PowerBuilder interface, see “Extension to the SCC API”.
To control the display of columns in the List
Select Design>Options from the menu bar.
On the General tab page, select or clear these display items: Modification Date, Compilation Date, Sizes, SCC Version Number, and Comments.