Autosize Height should be on for all nested reports except graphs. This option ensures that the height of the nested report can change to accommodate the rows that are returned.
This option is on by default for all nested reports except graphs. Usually there is no reason to change it. If you do want to force a nested report to have a fixed height, you can turn this option off.
Note that all bands in the DataWindow also have an Autosize Height option. The option is off by default and must be on for the Autosize Height option for the nested report to work properly.
To change the Autosize Height option for a nested
In the Design view, select the nested report.
In the Properties view, select the Position properties page.
Select/clear the Autosize Height check box.
Handling large rows
To avoid multiple blank pages or other anomalies in printed
reports, never create a DataWindow object with a data row greater than
the size of the target page. To handle large text-string columns,
break the large string into a series of small strings. The smaller
strings are used to populate individual data rows within a nested
report instead of using a single text column with an autosized height.
PowerBuilder determines the appropriate Slide options when positioning the nested report(s) and assigns default values. Usually, you should not change the default values:
The Slide Left option is on by default for grid and crosstab style reports and off by default for all others. Having Slide Left on for grid and crosstab ensures that these reports break horizontally on whole columns and not in the middle of a column.
The Slide Up All Above and Directly Above options ensure that the nested report uses just as much vertical space as it needs. One of these options is on by default for all nested reports.
For more information, see “Sliding controls to remove blank space in a DataWindow object”.
The New Page option forces a new page for a nested report used in a composite report. By default, this option is off.
To specify that a nested report in a composite
report should begin on a new page:
In the Design view, select the nested report.
In the Properties view, select the General properties page.
Select the New Page check box.
The Trail Footer option controls the placement of the footer for the last page of a nested report in a composite report. By default, this option is on. The footer appears directly under the contents of the nested report and not at the bottom of the page.
To specify that the footer should appear at the
bottom of the page:
In the Design view, select the nested report.
In the Properties view, select the General properties page.
Clear the Trail Footer check box.
The footer appears at the bottom of the page on all pages of the nested report, including the last page. Note that if another nested report begins on the same page, the footer from the earlier report might be misleading or confusing.