Known Issues for OData SDK

Learn about known issues and apply workarounds for the OData SDK.

Issue #Description
Relay Server: Server response containing header with empty value is considered malformed.

When there is a PUT request, such as the below example, passing through Relay Server to SAP Mobile Platform proxy connection, you get an error message 400 - Bad request with no response from backend server.


Request Header with Input: PUT method and request URL - http://<relayserver>/<farmId>/<proxyconnection>:
Content-Type: application/json
"name": "<smpusername>"
Response Header:
Status Code: 400 Bad request with no response from backend server

Workaround: None.

Issue #Description
Push notification does not work with any security configuration other than "Admin" for certificate-based mutual SSL authentication.

If you use any other security configuration, you get an error message 403 - User not in required role.

Workaround: Use single SSL with any security configuration or use "Admin" as the security configuration for mutual SSL to enable Push notifications.