Code Samples

Enable the change log and list all changes, or only the change logs for a particular entity, Customer.

// Retrieve all change logs
[SMP101SMP101DB enableChangeLog];
[SMP101SMP101DB synchronize];
SUPObjectList *changeLogs = [SUP101SUP101DB getChangeLogs:[SUPQuery getInstance]];
if([changeLogs size] > 0)
    for (id<SUPChangeLog> cl in changeLogs)
       MBOLogInfo(@"changelog:[entityType=%d]\n", [cl entityType]);

// Retrieve only the change logs for Customer:
[SMP101SMP101DB enableChangeLog];
[SMP101SMP101DB synchronize];

SUPQuery *changelogQuery = [SUPQuery getInstance];
int entityInt = SMP101_ENTITY_TYPE_Customer;
changelogQuery.testCriteria = [SUPAttributeTest equal:@"entityType" :[NSNumber numberWithInt:entityInt]];

SUPObjectList *changeLogs = [SMP101SMP101DB getChangeLogs:changelogQuery ];
if([changeLogs size] > 0)
  for (id<SUPChangeLog> cl in changeLogs)
    MBOLogInfo(@"changelog:[entityType=%d]\n", [cl entityType]);