Known Issues for Sybase Control Center

Learn about known issues and apply workarounds for Sybase Control Center.

Issue # Description

Redeploying a package to Unwired Server after changing a Cache Group policy from "Scheduled" to "On Demand" may result in Sybase Control Center displaying an invalid cache interval.

Workaround: Update the cache interval in Sybase Control Center.

Redundant properties displayed for application templates and connection settings
Several push notification properties in the application connection settings are no longer applicable.
  • Blackberry Push Notifications:
    • BES Notification Name
    • Delivery Threshold (Minutes)
  • Apple Push Notitifcations
    • Delivery Threshold (Minutes)

Workaround: Ignore these properties.

"DOECNoAuth" security configuration assigned automatically when deploying for the first time in the domain, even if you select another value.
Workaround: After deployment, change the security configuration in Sybase Control Center.
  1. Navigate to Domains > DomainName > Packages > PackageName > Settings > Security Configuration.
  2. Select the correct security configuration, and save the changes.
When deleting a domain or undeploying a DOE-C package, the server log shows a Failed to undeploy package error.

Workaround: Ignore the error.

Domain log purging can take a significant amount of time if too much data accumulates.

Workaround: Purge the domain log at regular intervals.

Sybase Control Center does not ask user to delete packages and connections before deleting the domain.

Workaround: Before you delete a domain, verify package and connection deletion is not an issue.

If an administrator takes action from Sybase Control Center while the primary server is being shut down, you may see an internal or unexpected error if the server has not completely shut down.

Workaround: Before taking any action in Sybase Control Center, ensure that the primary server shutdown is complete and another server has taken over as the new primary.

When an iOS device goes offline, it continues to show as being online for about 8 minutes in Sybase Control Center.

Workaround: None.

Domain log messages in Data Sync and Operation Replay subsystems are not logged to the 'default' domain.


  • Create a domain log profile for the 'default' server connection (JDBC type) to enable logging of Data Sync and Operation Replay messages.
  • If you have a similar configuration, make changes as appropriate. Contact Technical Support for guidance.
Exporting a domain log after upgrading generates a Domain log export failed error message.

Workaround: Clear the cache for the browser you are using to access Sybase Control Center.

When retrieving a domain log for large data, you receive an unknown error in Sybase Control Center.

Workaround: Check whether the Unwired Server or Sybase Control Center agent.log reports an out of memory error. If so, increase the JVM heap size appropriately for Unwired Server from the Sybase Control Center Configuration tab.

If this does not resolve the issue, try decreasing the time range set in the domain log in Sybase Control Center.

Suspending a large volume (100 or more) of DOE-C package subscriptions may cause Unwired Server to stop responding.

Workaround: Suspend subscriptions in batches of no more than 50.

MBO package deployment in Update mode after adding a new load argument without default value succeeds even though deployment should fail.

Workaround: None. To avoid deploying client-incompatible changes, Sybase recommends that you first use Verify mode deployment; if verify succeeds, proceed to Update mode deployment.

Using Firefox, the Sybase Control Center main page shows Invalid Login and the agent.log shows Received fatal alert: bad_certificate error.
Workaround: The Firefox browser appears to be using an incorrect server certificate. Clean up any such previously existing certificates:
  1. Select Tools > Options > Advanced > View Certificates.
  2. Click the Servers tab, then identify existing certificates issued to the same host to which you are connecting.
  3. Click Delete to remove all such certificates. Alternatively, use Internet Explorer.
In some instances, when using the Windows Services tool or the Stop Sybase Control Center Service shortcut to stop the Sybase Control Center3.2 service, Sybase Control Center displays Stopping in the Windows Control Panel yet fails to stop.

Workaround: To stop the Sybase Control Center service:
  1. Launch Windows Task Manager.
  2. Locate the sccservice.exe process, right-click and select End Process Tree. This option also kills the Sybase Control Center database repository server process dbsrv11.exe.
Domains and Packages tab

Sybase Control Center for Online Data Proxy does not have a way to add a new domain to an application from the Application Properties dialog. Domains can only be associated in the Application Creation wizard.