Documentation Issues and Updates for Unwired Platform Runtime

Read about updates, corrections, and clarifications to the documentation released with Sybase Unwired Platform Runtime.

Issue #Description
Change Log API section was omitted from the Developer Guide: iOS Object API Applications

The Change Log API and the other topics in that section should have been included in the Developer Guide: iOS Object API Applications. They are included in this release bulletin. See Change Log API.

More information on using MBS with LoadRunner C#

See Enabling MBS Performance Testing with LoadRunner.

Corrected text: That topic includes the BeginOnlineLogin method in Action.cs. An update to this content is that it is better to call BeginOnlineLogin in vuser_init.cs, rather than in Action.cs. A client application should not need to login more than once, even if the Action is to be repeated multiple times during a benchmark run.

Applies to System Administration.

Correction to No Workflow Message is Sent in Troubleshooting

The first four paragraphs in the Troubleshooting guide No Workflow Message is Sent for Hybrid App DCN failures should read:

Following response is returned if the request is sent for a user that has no application connection registered yet.
no workflow message is sent because no device is found to send the notification
Explanation: Server could not find a matching application connection for the user identified in the Hybrid App DCN request. In this case, the response is similar to:
"no workflow message is sent because no device is found to send the notification","result":

The other text in the topic is correct.

Updates to Web Service Mobile Business Object Limitations

There are updates to this topic in Sybase Unwired WorkSpace - Mobile Business Object Development. The topic is also included in this release bulletin: see Web Service Mobile Business Object Limitations.

CR 738781

Current versions of Afaria do not support any management via Sybase Control Center

The topic Launching Afaria from Sybase Control Center in Mobile Application Life Cycle is invalid and should be removed. The current versions of Afaria do not support management via Sybase Control Center.


CHAPTER 10 Scripting Silent Installation, Upgrade, or Uninstallation of the Installation Guide for Runtime (PDF format only) on the Getting Started CD provides instructions for performing these tasks for Sybase MobileSDK, instead of Unwired Platform Runtime.

Refer to the corrected chapter of Installation Guide for Runtime on Product Documentation at


Exclusions for  Application Customization Resource Bundles

Topics on application customization resource bundles in Mobile Application Life Cycle and Sybase Control Center for Sybase Unwired Platform are applicable only for clients with supporting APIs. Currently, those clients include only Online Data Proxy and Object API clients.
Note: The Uploading Application Customization Resource Bundles topic in Mobile Application Life Cycle incorrectly states that application customization resource bundles are applicable to REST API clients.
The Configuring Deployment Properties topic in Sybase Control Center for Sybase Unwired Platform
describes the REPLACE deployment mode. There is no REPLACE option in the MBO package deployment wizard.

Sybase Control Center Windows Service Deleted

The \utility folder no longer exists, so the command shown in Sybase Control Center Windows Service Deleted is no longer correct. The correct command is:

SUP_HOME\bin\amd64 (or x86)\sccservice.exe -install

The topic appears in both Sybase Control Center for Sybase Unwired Platform and Troubleshooting.


Sybase Control Center Windows Service Fails to Start

A second explanation should be added to Sybase Control Center Windows Service Fails to Start:

Explanation 2: The process sccservice.exe was not stopped during previous stops of Sybase Control Center (even though the Windows Service "Sybase Control Center x.x.x" does not show that it is running).

Solution: Use Windows Task Manager to kill the process tree of sccservice.exe, then restart Sybase Control Center.

The topic appears in both Sybase Control Center for Sybase Unwired Platform and Troubleshooting.


Exporting or Deploying Large Packages Fails

The procedure is missing an important last step. After you save the file, restart Unwired Server.

The topic appears in Troubleshooting.

CR 723144

Corrections to the keystore and truststore file paths

The commands to change the keystore and truststore passwords contain incorrect file paths in Changing Keystore and Truststore Passwords:

In Step 2, the commands to change the keystore and truststore passwords should be:
  • For the keystore password, use: keytool -storepasswd -new NewPwd -keystore Security\keystore.jks
  • For the truststore password, use: keytool -storepasswd -new NewPwd -truststore Security\truststore.jks
  • For private entries in keystore, use: keytool -keypasswd -alias Name -new NewPwd -keystore Security\keystore.jks

The topic appears in Security 2.2 SP01 > Server Security > Encrypting Other Listeners for Unwired Server.

SAP Solution Manager

To configure SAP Solution Manager for use with Sybase Unwired Platform, see SAP Solution Manager Setup.

Missing info in Update Properties (updateprops.bat) Utility topic

This topic, located in System Administration, has been updated and is included below.

New KPIs for DOE-C

The KPI table was updated to include new KPIs for DOE-C. The updated topic is referenced below.