Server Startup Utility (start_iq)

Run start_iq at the command line to customize your server startup.

Use server startup switches with the start_iq command to configure Sybase IQ multiplex servers at startup.

Server startup switches

Startup switch





Initiates multiplex coordinator failover to establish the designated failover secondary node as the new coordinator. Starting the coordinator with this option has no effect.



Performs multiplex configuration override for the current node. Used to change node properties during startup in the event that a node's location or other property has changed.



Runs the current multiplex node in single-node mode. Use single-node mode only to fix problems with the multiplex configuration. You must shut down all other nodes in the multiplex. Sybase recommends that you use single-node mode only on the coordinator.


server name

This option applies only while restarting a coordinator node. The coordinator forcefully reclaims the free list of the writer node identified by the server name. Use this switch only when a writer fails and cannot be restarted.

-iqmsgnum num

0-64 (inclusive)

Specifies the number of message log archives of the old message log maintained by the server. Default value is 0, which means that messages are wrapped in the main message log file. Takes effect only if -iqmsgsz or the IQMsgMaxSize server property is nonzero. The IQMsgNumFiles server property corresponds to -iqmsgnum and takes precedence over the value of -iqmsgnum. If the value is not set, the default minimum pool size is
MIN (MAX (4, number of cores/4) , mipcmaxt (if set)).

-iqmsgsz size

integers 0-2047 inclusive, in MB.

Limits the maximum size of the message log. The default value is 0, which specifies no limit on the size of the message file.

-mipcmint size

integers 0-256 inclusive

Specifies the minimum number of threads allowed in the shared thread pool for MIPC request handling. Each new MIPC server connection adds two threads to the pool. The value of -mipcmint defaults to 0 and cannot exceed the -mipcmaxt value. Set this value only if advised to do so by Sybase Technical Support. If the value is not set, the default minimum pool size is
MIN (MAX (4, number of cores/4), 
mipcmaxt (if set))

-mipcmaxt size

integers 0-256 inclusive

Specifies the maximum number of threads allowed in the shared thread pool for MIPC request handling. Each new MIPC server connection adds two threads to the pool. The value of -mipcmaxt defaults to 0 and must exceed the -mipcmint value. Set this value only if advised to do so by Sybase Technical Support. If the value is not set, the default maximum pool size is
MAX (number of cores,

For additional switches, see Sybase IQ Utility Guide > start_iq Database Server Startup Utility > start_iq Server Options.

Note: The -iqmc and -iqtc switches allow different cache sizes for each node in a multiplex, but this may have adverse affects. For example, if a node worker is configured with a much smaller cache than the leader, hash joins on the leader will operate in a paging mode that disallows parallelism.
Related reference
Tables in Join Indexes