Using Sybase Central

Sybase Central is a graphical tool to administer and monitor many Sybase server products, including Sybase IQ. You may use either Sybase Central or a combination of command line utilities and Interactive SQL to manage and monitor your multiplex. If you prefer to use Interactive SQL and command line utilities, skip to “Multiplex prerequisites”.

StepsStarting Sybase Central on UNIX

The Sybase IQ Agent must be started before you can use Sybase Central to do many of the multiplex operations. If you have not started the Sybase IQ Agent, see “Running the Sybase IQ Agent”.

  1. To start Sybase Central on UNIX, at the command prompt, type:

    % scjview

StepsStarting Sybase Central on Windows

  1. To start Sybase Central on Windows, run Sybase > Sybase IQ 15.2 > Sybase Central Java Edition from the Programs menu.