Troubleshooting Sybase IQ Agent startup

Agent startup on UNIX

To check if the agent is running, run the stop_iq utility:

stop_iq -agent
Checking system ... 

The following 1 agent(s) are owned by 'ciaran' 
## Owner     PID     Started  CPU Time Additional Information 
-- --------- ------- -------- -------- -----------------------
- 1: ciaran 6669 Sep.01 5:11 PORT:1100 java 
-Di q.agent_log=/ 

-- Do you want to stop the agent displayed above <Y/N>?


This output shows that user ciaran is running the agent.

Should you ever receive an error that the agent is not running, change directory to $IQDIR15/bin64 (or $IQDIR15/bin32, depending on your platform) and type S99SybaseIQAgent15 to restart the agent.

Agent startup on Windows

If you receive an error message that the Sybase IQ Agent is not running, open the Services utility under Control Panel. If Sybase IQ Agent does not have the status “Started,” click Start. Restart Sybase Central after starting the agent.

IQ Agent Log

If you experience any problems with Sybase Central, check the agent log file.

StepsViewing the Sybase IQ Agent log in Sybase Central

  1. Right-click the server name and choose Agent > View Agent Log

StepsLocating the Sybase IQ Agent log file

  1. On UNIX systems, if the default Sybase IQ Agent port (1099) is used, the log name is: $IQDIR15/logfiles/SybaseIQAgent1099.nnn.log where nnn is the number of times you have started the agent since the directory was last cleaned out. For example, if you have started the agent three times since the last cleanup: $IQDIR15/logfiles/SybaseIQAgent1099.003.log

    On Windows systems, if the user explicitly set the Sybase IQ Agent port, the log name defaults to: %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\SybaseIQ\logfiles\SybaseIQAgent_pppp.nnn.log where pppp is the port number and nnn is the number of times you have started the agent since the directory was last cleaned out. For example: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\SybaseIQ\logfiles\SybaseIQAgent_7899.001.log.

StepsChanging the Sybase IQ Agent log file location

To generate the agent log files in a different directory, set the log directory environment variable.

  1. On UNIX systems, set the $IQLOGDIR15 environment variable to the full path of the desired directory. For example, for the C shell (csh):

    setenv IQLOGDIR15 /work/mydir/agentlogs

    On Windows systems:

    1. Use Control Panel > System > Advanced Properties > Environment Variables.

    2. Click New under System variables.

    3. Type IQLOGDIR15 for Variable and the full path of the directory for Value.

    4. Click OK.