Updating catalog dbspaces

Under normal circumstances, you will not need to add or remove catalog dbspaces, as catalog dbspace files automatically grow as needed. However, if your catalog dbspace file is on constrained storage, you may need to add a new catalog dbspace to accommodate catalog data.

StepsAdding a catalog dbspace

  1. Shut down all servers in the multiplex.

  2. Start the coordinator in single node mode using -iqmpx_sn 1. For example:

    start_iq @params.cfg mpxtest.db -iqmpx_sn 1 
    -n mpxnode_c
  3. Create the dbspace.

    CREATE DBSPACE DspCat2 AS 'sadb2.db' 
  4. Restart the coordinator normally, without the -iqmpx_sn1 switch. For example:

    start_iq @params.cfg mpxtest.db -n mpxnode_c
  5. Synchronize all secondary servers in the multiplex. For details, see “Synchronizing secondary servers”.

StepsDropping a catalog dbspace

Follow this procedure to drop a dbspace from the catalog store.

  1. Shut down all the servers in the multiplex.

  2. Start the coordinator with the -gm and -iqmpx_sn switches.

    start_iq @params.cfg mpxtest.db -gm 1 
    -iqmpx_sn 1 -n mpxnode_c
  3. Drop the catalog dbspace in Interactive SQL.

  4. Restart the coordinator normally, without the -iqmpx_sn 1 switch.

  5. Synchronize all secondary servers in the multiplex. See “Synchronizing secondary servers”.