Specifying the host for the Sybase IQ Agent on UNIX

When you use scripts to start the Sybase IQ Agent, use the optional -host parameter to specify the host name explicitly.

To start the agent using the host name returned by uname -n use the optional -host parameter without an argument, as follows:

S99SybaseIQAgent15 -host

This is the also the default behavior if you omit the -host parameter entirely.

To start the agent using the host’s alias enter:

S99SybaseIQAgent15 -host <foo>

where foo is an alias present in the /etc/hosts file.

You can supply a list of alternate host names or IP addresses, separated by commas, instead of a single argument. Blank spaces are disallowed in the list. IP aliases may be used on a single host that supports multiple network cards with unique addresses. For example:

S99SybaseIQAgent15 -host "host1.sybase.com,,

To avoid problems, start the Sybase IQ Agent using either the short host name only or all three structures. For example:

S99SybaseIQAgent15 -host host2 -port 2099


S99SybaseIQAgent15 -host "ciaran,ciaran.sybase.com,"  -port 2199 

The agent binds in the following order:

  1. The local host name

  2. The host IP address

  3. The item(s) specified in the -host command line parameter