Specifies a user-supplied authentication function that can be used to implement password rules.
Option can be set at the database (PUBLIC) or user level. When set at the database level, the value becomes the default for any new user, but has no impact on existing users. When set at the user level, overrides the PUBLIC value for that user only. No system privilege is required to set option for self. System privilege is required to set at database level or at user level for any user other than self.
Requires the SET ANY SECURITY OPTION system privilege to set this option. Can be set temporary for an individual connection or for the PUBLIC role. Takes effect immediately.
When the VERIFY_PASSWORD_FUNCTION option value is set to a valid string, the statement GRANT CONNECT TO userid IDENTIFIED BY password calls the function specified by the option value.
The option value requires the form owner.function_name to prevent users from overriding the function.
If VERIFY_PASSWORD_FUNCTION is set, you cannot specify more than one userid and password with the GRANT CONNECT statement.
The following sample code defines a table and a function and sets some login policy options. Together they implement advanced password rules that include requiring certain types of characters in the password, disallowing password reuse, and expiring passwords. The function is called by the database server with the verify_password_function option when a user ID is created or a password is changed. The application can call the procedure specified by the post_login_procedure option to report that the password should be changed before it expires.
-- only DBA should have privileges on this table CREATE TABLE DBA.t_pwd_history( pk INT DEFAULT AUTOINCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, user_name CHAR(128), -- the user whose password is set pwd_hash CHAR(32) ); -- hash of password value to detect -- duplicate passwords -- called whenever a non-NULL password is set -- to verify the password conforms to password rules CREATE FUNCTION DBA.f_verify_pwd( uid VARCHAR(128), new_pwd VARCHAR(255) ) RETURNS VARCHAR(255) BEGIN -- enforce password rules -- enforce minimum length (can also be done with -- min_password_length option) IF length( new_pwd ) < 6 THEN RETURN 'password must be at least 6 characters long'; END IF; -- number of lowercase characters IN new_pwd SELECT count(*) INTO num_lower_chars FROM pwd_chars WHERE CAST( c AS BINARY ) BETWEEN 'a' AND 'z'; -- enforce rules based on characters contained in new_pwd IF ( SELECT count(*) FROM pwd_chars WHERE c BETWEEN '0' AND '9' ) < 1 THEN RETURN 'password must contain at least one numeric digit'; ELSEIF length( pwd_alpha_only ) < 2 THEN RETURN 'password must contain at least two letters'; ELSEIF num_lower_chars = 0 OR length( pwd_alpha_only ) - num_lower_chars = 0 THEN RETURN 'password must contain both upper- and lowercase characters'; END IF; -- not the same as any user name -- (this could be modified to check against a disallowed words table) IF EXISTS( SELECT * FROM SYS.SYSUSER WHERE lower( user_name ) IN ( lower( pwd_alpha_only ), lower( new_pwd ) ) ) THEN RETURN 'password or only alphabetic characters in password ' || 'must not match any user name'; END IF; -- not the same as any previous password for this user IF EXISTS( SELECT * FROM t_pwd_history WHERE user_name = uid AND pwd_hash = hash( uid || new_pwd, 'md5' ) ) THEN RETURN 'previous passwords cannot be reused'; END IF; -- save the new password INSERT INTO t_pwd_history( user_name, pwd_hash ) VALUES( uid, hash( uid || new_pwd, 'md5' ) ); RETURN( NULL ); END; ALTER FUNCTION DBA.f_verify_pwd SET HIDDEN; GRANT EXECUTE ON DBA.f_verify_pwd TO PUBLIC; SET OPTION PUBLIC.verify_password_function = 'DBA.f_verify_pwd'; -- All passwords expire in 180 days. Expired passwords can be changed -- by the user using the NewPassword connection parameter. ALTER LOGIN POLICY DEFAULT password_life_time = 180; -- If an application calls the procedure specified by the -- post_login_procedure option, then the procedure can be used to -- warn the user that their password is about to expire. In particular, -- Interactive SQL calls the post_login_procedure. ALTER LOGIN POLICY DEFAULT password_grace_time = 30;
To turn the option off, set it to the empty string: