Sets the row threshold for rejecting queries based on estimated size of result set.

Allowed Values

Any integer




Option can be set at the database (PUBLIC) or user level. When set at the database level, the value becomes the default for any new user, but has no impact on existing users. When set at the user level, overrides the PUBLIC value for that user only. No system privilege is required to set option for self. System privilege is required to set at database level or at user level for any user other than self.

Requires the SET ANY PUBLIC OPTION system privilege to set this option. Can be set temporary for an individual connection or for the PUBLIC role. Takes effect immediately.


If SAP Sybase IQ receives a query that has an estimated number of result rows greater than the value of QUERY_ROWS_RETURNED_LIMIT, it rejects the query with this message:

Query rejected because it exceeds resource: Query_Rows_Returned_Limit

If you set this option to zero (the default), there is no limit and no queries are ever rejected based on the number of rows in their output.