Controls the amount of main buffer cache allocated to FP indexes in SAP Sybase IQ 15 databases.
Option can be set at the database (PUBLIC) level only.
Requires the SET ANY SYSTEM OPTION system privilege to set this option. Takes effect immediately.
FP_LOOKUP_SIZE_PPM applies to databases running where FP_NBIT_IQ15_COMPATIBILITY='ON'. If FP_NBIT_IQ15_COMPATIBILITY='OFF', SAP Sybase IQ ignores this option.
If FP_NBIT_IQ15_COMPATIBILITY='ON', FP_LOOKUP_SIZE_PPM controls the maximum number of lookup pages and restricts this number to a parts-per-million value of main memory, that is, the value of FP_LOOKUP_SIZE_PPM * size of main memory / 1,000,000, where the size of main memory is specified by the -iqmc server startup parameter.