REMOVE Statement

Removes a class, a package, or a JAR file from a database. Removed classes are no longer available for use as a variable type. Any class, package, or JAR to be removed must already be installed.

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REMOVE JAVA classes_to_remove

classes_to_removeCLASS java_class_name [, java_class_name ]… 
   | PACKAGE java_package_name [, java_package_name ]… 
   | JAR jar_name [, jar_name ]… [ RETAIN CLASSES ] }


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  • SQL—Vendor extension to ISO/ANSI SQL grammar.
  • SAP Sybase Database product—Not supported by Adaptive Server. A similar feature is available in an Adaptive Server-compatible manner using nested transactions.


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Requires one of:
  • MANAGE ANY EXTERNAL OBJECT system privilege.
  • You own the object.