Some statement titles are followed by an indicator in square brackets that
shows where the statement can be used.
These indicators
are as follows:
- [ESQL] – the statement is for use in Embedded SQL.
- [Interactive SQL] – the statement is for use only in Interactive SQL (dbisql).
- [SP] – the statement is for use in stored procedures or batches.
- [T-SQL] – the statement is implemented for compatibility with
SAP Adaptive Server® Enterprise. In some
cases, the statement cannot be used in stored procedures
that are not Transact-SQL® format. In other cases, there is
an alternative statement that is closer to the ISO/ANSI SQL
standard that is recommended unless Transact-SQL
compatibility is an issue.
If two sets of brackets are used, the statement can be used
in both environments. For example, [ESQL] [SP] means
a statement can be used either in Embedded SQL or in stored procedures.