RESTART WITH clause – Restarts the named sequence with the specified value.
INCREMENT BY clause – Defines the amount the next sequence value is incremented from the last value assigned. The default is 1. Specify a negative value to generate a descending sequence. An error is returned if the INCREMENT BY value is 0.
MINVALUE clause – Defines the smallest value generated by the sequence. The default is 1. An error is returned if MINVALUE is greater than ( 2^63-1) or less than -(2^63-1). An error is also returned if MINVALUE is greater than MAXVALUE.
MAXVALUE clause – Defines the largest value generated by the sequence. The default is 2^63-1. An error is returned if MAXVALUE is greater than 2^63-1 or less than -(2^63-1).
CACHE clause – Specifies the number of preallocated sequence values that are kept in memory for faster access. When the cache is exhausted, the sequence cache is repopulated and a corresponding entry is written to the transaction log. At checkpoint time, the current value of the cache is forwarded to the ISYSSEQUENCE system table. The default is 100.
CYCLE clause – Specifies whether values should continue to be generated after the maximum or minimum value is reached.