Creates a new LDAP server configuration object for LDAP user authentication. Parameters defined during the creation of an LDAP server configuration object are stored in the ISYSLDAPSERVER (system view SYSLDAPSERVER) system table.
CREATE LDAP SERVER ldapua-server-name [ ldapua-server-attribs ] [ WITH ACTIVATE ] ldapua-server-attribs SEARCH DN URL { ‘URL_string’ | NULL } | ACCESS ACCOUNT { ‘DN_string’ | NULL } | IDENTIFIED BY ( ‘password’ | NULL } | IDENTIFIED BY ENCRYPTED { encrypted-password | NULL } | AUTHENTICATION URL { ‘URL_string’ | NULL } | CONNECTION TIMEOUT timeout_value | CONNECTION RETRIES retry_value | TLS { ON | OFF }
SET OPTION PUBLIC.login_mode = ‘Standard,LDAPUA’ CREATE LDAP SERVER apps_primary SEARCH DN URL 'ldap://my_LDAPserver:389/dc=MyCompany,dc=com??sub?cn=*' ACCESS ACCOUNT 'cn=aseadmin, cn=Users, dc=mycompany, dc=com' IDENTIFIED BY 'Secret99Password' AUTHENTICATION URL 'ldap://my_LDAPserver:389/' CONNECTION TIMEOUT 3000 WITH ACTIVATE
SET OPTION PUBLIC.login_mode = ‘Standard,LDAPUA’ SET OPTION PUBLIC.trusted_certificates_file = ‘/mycompany/shared/trusted.txt’ CREATE LDAP SERVER secure_primary SEARCH DN URL 'ldaps://my_LDPAserver:636/dc=MyCompany,dc=com??sub?cn=*' ACCESS ACCOUNT 'cn=aseadmin, cn=Users, dc=mycompany, dc=com' IDENTIFIED BY 'Secret99Password' AUTHENTICATION URL 'ldaps://my_LDAPserver:636/' CONNECTION TIMEOUT 3000 TLS OFF WITH ACTIVATE
SET OPTION PUBLIC.login_mode = ‘Standard,LDAPUA’ SET OPTION PUBLIC.trusted_certificates_file = ‘/mycompany/shared/trusted.txt’ CREATE LDAP SERVER tls_primary SEARCH DN URL 'ldap://my_LDAPserver:389/dc=MyCompany,dc=com??sub?cn=*' ACCESS ACCOUNT 'cn=aseadmin, cn=Users, dc=mycompany, dc=com' IDENTIFIED BY 'Secret99Password' AUTHENTICATION URL 'ldap://my_LDAPserver:389/' CONNECTION TIMEOUT 3000 TLS ON WITH ACTIVATE