Controls whether deadlock reporting is turned on or off.

Allowed values

On, Off




Option can be set at the database (PUBLIC) level only.

Requires the SET ANY SYSTEM OPTION system privilege to set this option. Takes effect immediately.


When this option is set to On, the database server logs information about deadlocks in an internal buffer. The size of the buffer is fixed at 10000 bytes. You can view the deadlock information using the sa_report_deadlocks stored procedure. The contents of the buffer are retained when this option is set to Off.

When deadlock occurs, information is reported for only those connections involved in the deadlock. The order in which connections are reported is based on which connection is waiting for which row. For thread deadlocks, information is reported about all connections.

When you have deadlock reporting turned on, you can also use the Deadlock system event to take action when a deadlock occurs.