Modifies configuration for the existing user-defined logical server in the database. This statement enforces consistent shared system temporary store settings across physical nodes shared by logical servers.

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ALTER LOGICAL SERVER logical-server-name   
	{ alter-ls-clause } [ WITH STOP SERVER ]

alter-ls-clause - (back to Syntax)
   {ADD MEMBERSHIP  '(' { ls-member, ... } ')' 
   | DROP MEMBERSHIP '(' { ls-member, ... } ')'
   | POLICY policy-name }

ls-member - (back to alter-ls-clause)
   FOR LOGICAL COORDINATOR | mpx-server-name


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Applies to

Multiplex only.


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The SYS.ISYSIQLSMEMBER system table stores definitions for the logical server memberships.

A member node that is added to or dropped from a logical server starts or stops accepting logical server connections only after the TLV log corresponding to ALTER LOGICAL SERVER is played on that node. Existing connections of a logical server continue to run on a node when that node is dropped from the logical server, however, distributed processing is stopped for these connections.

An error is returned if:
  • Any ls-member specified with the ADD MEMBERSHIP clause is already a member of the logical server.
  • Any ls-member specified with the DROP MEMBERSHIP clause is not an existing member of the logical server.
  • A logical server membership change causes a node to belong to multiple logical servers assigned to a single login policy. Logical server membership in a login policy cannot overlap.


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Requires the MANAGE MULTIPLEX system privilege.