Sets the format used for times retrieved from the database.
Allowed values
A string composed of the symbols HH, NN, MM, SS, separated
by colons.
For Open Client and JDBC connections the default is also set
The format is a string using these symbols:
hh – Two-digit hours (24 hour
nn – Two-digit minutes.
mm – Two-digit minutes if following a colon
(as in 'hh:mm').
ss[.s...s] – Two-digit
seconds plus optional fraction.
Each symbol
is substituted with the appropriate data for the date being formatted.
Any format symbol that represents character rather than digit output can
be in uppercase, which causes the substituted characters also to
be in uppercase. For numbers, using mixed case in the format string
suppresses leading zeros.
Multibyte characters are not supported in format strings.
Only single-byte characters are allowed, even when the collation
order of the database is a multibyte collation order like 932JPN.