Generates graphical query plans in HTML format for viewing in a Web browser.
DBA permissions are not required to set this option. Can be set temporary for an individual connection or for the PUBLIC group. Takes effect immediately.
QUERY_PLAN_AS_HTML causes graphical query plans to be generated in HTML format.
When you set this option, also set the QUERY_NAME option for each query, so you know which query is associated with the query plan.
Sybase IQ writes the plans in the same directory as the .iqmsg file, in a file named:
For example, if the user DBA sets the temporary option QUERY_NAME to 'Query_1123', a file created on May 18, 2011 at exactly 8:30 a.m. is called DBA_Query_1123_20110518_083000_1.html. The date, time, and unique number are appended to the file name automatically to ensure that existing files are not overwritten.
Message log wrapping is described in System Administration Guide: Volume 1.
QUERY_PLAN_AS_HTML acts independently of the setting for the QUERY_PLAN option. In other words, if QUERY_PLAN_AS_HTML is ON, you get an HTML format query plan whether or not QUERY_PLAN is ON.
This feature is supported with newer versions of many commonly used browsers. Some browsers might experience problems with plans generated for very complicated queries.