Controls placement of output files for the IQ buffer cache monitor. All monitor output files are used for the duration of the monitor runs, which cannot exceed the lifetime of the connection. The output file still exists after the monitor run stops. A connection can run up to two performance monitors simultaneously, one for main cache and one for temp cache. A connection can run a monitor any number of times, successively.
MONITOR_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY controls the directory in which the monitor output files are created, regardless of what is being monitored or what monitor mode is used.
Same directory as the database.
Can be set for the PUBLIC group. Takes effect immediately. Requires DBA permissions to set this option.
The IQ monitor sends output to the directory specified by this option. The dummy table used to start the monitor can be either a temporary or a permanent table. The directory can be on any physical machine.
The DBA can use the PUBLIC setting to place all monitor output in the same directory, or set different directories for individual users.
This example shows how you could declare a temporary table for monitor output, set its location, and then have the monitor start sending files to that location for the main and temp buffer caches.
In this example, the output directory string is set
to both “/tmp” and “tmp/”.
The trailing slash (“/”) is correct and
is supported by the interface. The example illustrates that the
buffer cache monitor does not require a permanent table; a temporary
table can be used.
declare local temporary table dummy_monitor (dummy_column integer)
set option Monitor_Output_Directory = "/tmp" iq utilities main into dummy_monitor start monitor '-debug -interval 2'
set option Monitor_Output_Directory = "tmp/"
iq utilities private into dummy_monitor start monitor '-debug -interval 2'