
Sets an upper limit in KB on the amount of the stripe to which data is written before write operations move on to the next stripe. This setting is the default size for all dbspaces in the IQ main store.

Allowed values

1 to maximum integer




Can be set for the PUBLIC group only. Requires DBA permissions.


The default value of 1KB means that each operation writes to a different stripe because 1KB is less than one page, the minimum unit of write operations.

To write multiple pages to the same stripe before moving to the next stripe, change the DEFAULT_KB_PER_STRIPE setting. For example, if the page size is 128KB, setting DEFAULT_KB_PER_STRIPE to 512KB writes four pages to a single stripe before moving into the next stripe.

This option is used only by CREATE DBSPACE and defines the default disk striping size for dbspaces in the IQ main store, if CREATE DBSPACE does not specify a stripe size.