Characteristics of Open Client and jConnect connections

When Sybase IQ is serving applications over TDS, it automatically sets relevant database options to values that are compatible with SQL Anywhere Server default behavior. These options are set temporarily, for the duration of the connection only. The client application can override these options at any time.

NoteSybase IQ does not support the ANSI_BLANKS, FLOAT_AS_DOUBLE, and TSQL_HEX_CONSTANT options.

See ”Characteristics of Open Client and jConnect connections” in SQL Anywhere Server - Database Administration.

By default, the sp_iq_process_login system procedure performs Sybase IQ user administration, and then calls sp_login_environment, which in turn calls sp_tsql_environment for TDS connections.

NoteODBC applications, including Interactive SQL applications, automatically set certain database options to values mandated by the ODBC specification. This overwrites settings by the LOGIN_PROCEDURE database option. For details and a workaround, see “LOGIN_PROCEDURE option” in Reference: Statements and Options.