Sybase IQ offers both simple and windowed aggregation functions that offer the ability to perform complex data analysis within a single SQL statement. You can use these functions to compute results for queries such as “What is the quarterly moving average of the Dow Jones Industrial average,” or “List all employees and their cumulative salaries for each department.” Moving averages and cumulative sums can be calculated over various intervals, and aggregations and ranks can be partitioned, so aggregate calculation is reset when partition values change. Within the scope of a single query expression, you can define several different OLAP functions, each with its own arbitrary partitioning rules. Analytical functions can be broken into two categories:
Simple aggregate functions, such as AVG, COUNT, MAX, MIN, and SUM summarize data over a group of rows from the database. The groups are formed using the GROUP BY clause of the SELECT statement.
Unary statistical aggregate functions that take one argument include STDDEV, STDDEV_SAMP, STDDEV_POP, VARIANCE, VAR_SAMP, and VAR_POP().
Both the simple and unary categories of aggregates summarize data over a group of rows from the database and can be used with a window specification to compute a moving window over a result set as it is processed.
and VARIANCE do not support binary data types BINARY and VARBINARY.