Loading remote data without native classes

You need to use DirectConnect to access remote data sources:

This section and the following one provide examples of loading and querying data by means of DirectConnect.

Non-Sybase remote data example

For this example, assume that:

StepsLoading MS SQL Server data into an IQ server on UNIX

  1. Using DirectConnect documentation, configure DirectConnect for your data source.

  2. Make sure that ECDA server (mssql) is listed in the IQ interfaces file:

    master tcp ether myhostname 12530
    query tcp ether myhostname 12530
  3. Add a new user, using the user id and password for server mssql:

    isql -Udba -Psql -Stst_iqdemo
    grant connect to chill identified by chill
    grant dba to chill
  4. Log in as the new user to create a local table on IQ:

    isql -Uchill -Pchill -Stst_iqdemo
    create table billing(status char(1), name varchar(20), telno int)
  5. Insert data:

    insert into billing location ‘mssql.pubs’ { select * from billing }