With Replication Server 15.2, you can use create error class to create Replication Server error classes that you can use to assign error actions for errors that occur in Replication Server.
create [replication server] error class error_class [set template to template_error_class]
replication server – indicates that the new error class is a Replication Server error class and not a data server error class
error_class – the name for the new error class. The name must be unique in the replication system and must conform to the rules for identifiers.
A Replication Server error class and a data server error
class cannot share the same name.
set template to template_error_class – Use this clause to create an error class based on another error class. create error class copies the error actions from the template error class to the new error class.
To create my_rs_err_class based on the default rs_repserver_error_class:
create replication server error class my_rs_err_class set template to rs_repserver_error_class
You can drop a Replication Server error class using drop error class, and you can change the primary Replication Server of a Replication Server error class using move primary.