These database connection parameters control bulk operations in DSI:
Parameter |
Description |
dsi_bulk_copy |
Turns the bulk copy-in feature on or off for a connection. If dynamic_sql and dsi_bulk_copy are both on, DSI applies bulk copy-in. Dynamic SQL is used if bulk copy-in is not used. Default: off. |
dsi_bulk_threshold |
The number of insert commands that, when reached, triggers Replication Server to use bulk copy-in. When Stable Queue Transaction (SQT) encounters a large batch of insert commands, it retains in memory the number of insert commands specified to decide whether to apply bulk copy-in. Because these commands are held in memory, Sybase suggests that you do not configure this value much higher than the configuration value for dsi_large_xact_size. Minimum: 1 Default: 20 |
To set the values of dsi_bulk_copy and dsi_bulk_threshold, use:
alter connection to change the bulk copy-in connection parameters at the connection level:
alter connection to dataserver.database set {dsi_bulk_copy | dsi_bulk_threshold} to value
configure replication server to change the server defaults:
configure replication server set {dsi_bulk_copy | dsi_bulk_threshold} to value
To check the values of dsi_bulk_copy and dsi_bulk_threshold, use admin config.
When dsi_bulk_copy is on, SQT counts the number of consecutive insert statements on the same table that a transaction contains. If this number reaches the dsi_bulk_threshold, DSI:
Bulk-copies the data to Adaptive Server until DSI reaches a command that is not insert or that belongs to a different replicate table.
Continues with the rest of the commands in the transaction.
Adaptive Server sends the result of bulk copy-in at the end of the bulk operation, when it is successful, or at the point of failure.
The DSI implementation
of bulk copy-in supports multistatement transactions,
allowing DSI to perform bulk
copy-in even if a transaction contains commands that are not part
of the bulk copy.