If Replication Agent is already installed, go to “Installing Replication Server”.
Install Replication Agent for Oracle on a server where it can directly access the Oracle online redo logs and the archived redo logs.
Installing the Replication Agent creates a directory structure containing the Replication Agent binaries, scripts, JRE, and associated files. There are no configuration steps during installation.
Installing Replication Agent software
Use one of the following methods to install the software.
After following the download instructions in “Accessing products from the SPDC”, go to the location where you extracted the Replication Agent 15.2 installation image, or
Insert the Mirror Replication Agent CD into your CD drive.
Execute the setup routine.
For UNIX or Linux (GUI mode):
For Windows:
If you see an error message saying that there is not enough temporary disk space, add the following to your setup command:
For UNIX or Linux:
./setup –is:tempdir someDirectory
For Windows:
setup -is:tempdir someDirectory
Here, someDirectory is a directory with at least 100MB of disk space that the installation program can use.
If you are installing from a remote machine and do not
have an
X-Windows client, execute ./setup –console,
to run in console mode.
On the Welcome window, click Next.
Select a geographic location that displays the license agreement. Select I Agree, and click Next.
Enter the directory where you want to install Replication Agent:
If the directory does not exist, the installation program prompts you to create it. Click Yes.
If the destination directory exists, you receive a warning message that you are installing into an existing directory. Click Yes.
Select Typical for the installation setup type, and click Next.
The installation program displays a summary of what is to be installed. Click Next.
The installation program starts to install Replication Agent, displaying the progress status. If you see the following message;
There are newer files already installed and do you want to replace them?
Click No to All.
When you receive a message that the installation was successful, click Next.
The SySAM License Server window opens and displays this prompt:
Will licenses be obtained from the License Server?
Respond based on how you set up your environment and use the license obtained from the Software Product Download Center (SPDC) Web site for Replication Server Options, and click Next.
The SySAM notification window prompts you to configure your server for e-mail notification. When configuration is enabled, you receive information about license management events that require attention. At the SySAM notification window, do one of the following:
Select Yes and either accept the default values that are supplied, or enter values for the following:
SMTP server host name
SMTP server port number
Sender e-mail address
Recipient e-mail address
Message severity level of an event that triggers an e-mail message. Your choices are:
If you choose not to have e-mail alerts or severity messages logged, select No.
Click Next.
When you receive a message indicating that Replication Agent was successfully installed, click Finish.
See the Replication Agent Installation Guide.
Change to the directory where you installed Replication Agent.
Set the environment variables by sourcing the SYBASE.csh file (UNIX or Linux) or by executing the SYBASE.bat file (Windows).
Change to $SYBASE/RAX-15_2/bin (UNIX or Linux) or %SYBASE%\RAX-15_2\bin (Windows).
Obtain the Replication Agent version string.
For UNIX or Linux:
./ra.sh -v
For Windows:
ra -v
If Replication Agent installs successfully, you see the Sybase copyright and the Replication Agent version string.