This section describes the configuration steps required for replication from the primary database. It includes:
Creating a Replication Server connection to the primary database
Creating a database replication definition
Creating the database replication subscription
Creating a Replication
Server connection to the primary database
Go to the $SYBASE/RAX-15_2/scripts/oracle (UNIX or Linux) or %SYBASE%\RAX-15_2\scripts\oracle directory (Windows).
Make a copy of the oracle_create_rs_primary_connection.sql script named my_oracle_create_rs_primary_connection.sql.
Before executing the my_oracle_create_rs_primary_connection.sql script against your Replication Server, change all occurrences of value {pds}.{pdb} to the name of the Replication Server connection used for the connection from Replication Agent for Oracle, where:
pds is the name of the Oracle server.
pdb is the Oracle System ID (SID).
For example, NY.NYora92.
Save these values to be used later for the rs_source_ds and rs_source_db parameters
in the Replication Agent file.
Change sys and sys_pwd to the user ID and password of the Oracle user who must have permission to apply DML operations against all user tables to be replicated, where:
sys is the user ID of the Oracle user (sys).
sys_pwd is the password of the Oracle user (change_on_install).
This user must be a valid user in the Oracle database.
The following example creates a Replication Server connection to the primary database:
create connection to NY.NYora92
set error class rs_sqlserver_error_class
set function string class rs_oracle_function_class
set username sys
set password change_on_install
with log transfer on, dsi_suspended
Execute the script in Replication Server:
isql –Usa –P –SSAMPLE_RS -i my_oracle_create_rs_primary_connection.sql
A message appears that indicates the Replication Server connection to the primary database has been created.
Creating the database replication definition
Navigate to the $SYBASE/RAX-15_2/scripts/sybase (UNIX or Linux) or %SYBASE%\RAX-15_2\scripts\sybase (Windows) directory.
Make a copy of the rs_create_db_repdef.sql script named my_rs_create_db_repdef.sql.
Before executing the my_rs_create_db_repdef.sql script, change all occurrences of value {pds}.{pdb} to the name of the connection string you defined for the primary database, where:
pds is the name of the Oracle server.
pdb is the Oracle System ID (SID).
For example, NY.NYora92.
Save these values to be used later for the rs_source_ds and rs_source_db parameters
in the Replication Agent file.
This is a database replication definition example:
create database replication definition NY_repdef1
with primary at NY.NYora92
replicate DDL
Connect to the Replication Server and enter:
isql -Usa -P –SSAMPLE_RS -i my_rs_create_db_repdef.sql
A message appears that indicates the database replication definition has been created.
Creating the database replication subscription
Make a copy of the rs_create_db_sub.sql script named my_rs_create_db_sub.sql.
Before executing the my_rs_create_db_sub.sql script, change all occurrences of value {pds}.{pdb} and {rds}.{rdb} to the appropriate connection name, where:
pds is the name of the Oracle server.
pdb is the Oracle System ID (SID).
rds is the DirectConnect server name
rdb is any valid identifier. Sybase recommends that you use the Oracle SID.
Save the values of pds and pdb to
be used later for the rs_source_ds and rs_source_db parameters
in the Replication Agent file.
Here is an example of create database replication subscription:
create subscription NY_sub1
for database replication definition NY_repdef1
with primary at NY.NYora92
with replicate at DCOServer.oratest2
without materialization
Connect to Replication Server and execute:
isql -Usa -P –SSAMPLE_RS -i my_rs_create_db_sub.sql
A message appears that indicates the subscription is being created.