Before you begin to create and configure the DirectConnect server, make sure that:
You have made a copy of the existing tnsnames.ora file, currently being used to connect to Oracle, and have placed it in a temporary file location.
You can connect to an Oracle data server without using
the tnsnames.ora configuration file. However,
the ECDA Option for Oracle requires the tnsnames.ora file
to contain connection information.
The Oracle connect string is available.
The name for a valid Oracle account, which is used
as the administrator for the DirectConnect server, is available.
This account must not be one used for Oracle administration (the
login must not require the as SYSDBA
at login).
The number of the unused port to be used by the DirectConnect server is available.
Configuring and starting the DirectConnect Server
Start the Create Server wizard, navigate to the $SYBASE/DCO-15_0/DCWizard (UNIX or Linux) or %SYBASE%\DCO-15_0\DCWizard (Windows) directory, and execute the DCWizard script.
The Welcome Create Server wizard appears. Click Next.
Select ECDA Option for Oracle. Click Next.
Enter the replicate Oracle server name for the new DirectConnect server and the port number that you want the server to listen on. Click Next.
Enter a valid Admin Account name. Click Next.
Enter the replicate Oracle connection string as previously defined in the tnsnames.ora file, and the path (including the file name) to the previously defined temporary location of the tnsnames.ora file. Click Next.
Verify the DirectConnect server information. If correct, select Create Server otherwise, click Back to return to the previous window and provide the correct information.
Verify that the DirectConnect configuration is successful. If yes, click Next otherwise, click Back to return to the previous window, provide the correct information, and re-create the server.
In the Start DirectConnect Server window, click Start ecda_servername to start the newly configured DirectConnect server, where ecda_servername is the server name you indicated for the new DirectConnect server.
Verify that the DirectConnect server has started successfully, and click Finish.
Verifying that you can connect to Oracle
Open a command window in the $SYBASE (UNIX or Linux) or %SYBASE% (Windows) directory of your ECDA installation.
Change to the $SYBASE/DCO-15_0 (UNIX or Linux) or %SYBASE%\DCO-15_0 (Windows) directory.
Set the environment variables by sourcing the $SYBASE/DCO_SYBASE.csh file (UNIX or Linux) by or executing the %SYBASE%\DCO_SYBASE.bat file (Windows).
Log in to the replicate Oracle server through the DirectConnect server:
isql –Uvaliduser –Ppassword –SDCOServer
Here, validuser and password are any valid user and password, and DCOServer is the DirectConnect for Oracle server name.
Verify the connection to the replicate Oracle database:
select banner from v$version
Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Prod
PL/SQL Release - Production
CORE Production
TNS for Solaris Version - Production
NLSRTL Version - Production
(5 rows affected)
Exit the isql session with the quit command.