Creating a Replication Server connection
Navigate to the %SYBASE%\RAX-15_2\scripts\mssql directory.
Make a copy of the mssql_create_rs152_standby_connection.sql script named my_mssql_create_rs152_standby_connection.sql.
Before executing the my_mssql_create_rs152_standby_connection.sql script against your Replication Server, change the {rds}.{rdb} to the name of the connection that Replication Server uses to connect to the DirectConnect access service, where:
rds is the DirectConnect access service name.
rdb is any valid identifier. Sybase recommends that you use the Microsoft SQL Server replicate database name.
maintuser and password are the maintenance user and password created in ECDA Option for ODBC in step 1 of “Creating a maintenance user for replication”. For example:
create connection to rds.rdb
using profile rs_msss_to_msss;standard
set username maintuser
set password "password"
In the previous example, password is
a Replication Server reserved word and therefore, must be enclosed
in double quotes.
Create the connection to the replicate database:
isql –Usa –P –SSAMPLE_RS -i my_mssql_create_rs152_standby_connection.sql
Log in to SAMPLE_RS and verify the Replication Server connection to the replicate database:
isql –Usa –P –SSAMPLE_RS
admin who
You should see a message returned for the DSI connection msss_dco.dbname. Verify that the status is “Awaiting Message” or “Awaiting Command.”
Exit the isql session with the quit command.