In Adaptive Server version 15.7 and later, you can save abstract plan information in the statement cache.
In this example, which includes an abstract plan, the hash
table saves select * from t1 plan '(use
optgoal allrows_mix)'
, as shown in
1> select * from t1 plan '(use optgoal allrows_mix)' 2> go 1> dbcc prsqlcache 2> go
Start of SSQL Hash Table at 0x0x1474c9050 Memory configured: 1000 2k pages Memory used: 17 2k pages Bucket# 243 address 0x0x1474c9f80 SSQL_DESC 0x0x1474cd070 ssql_name *ss0626156152_0290084701ss* ssql_hashkey 0x0x114a575d ssql_id 626156152 ssql_suid 1 ssql_uid 1 ssql_dbid 1 ssql_spid 0 ssql_status 0x0xa0 ssql_parallel_deg 1 ssql_isolate 1 ssql_tranmode 32 ssql_keep 0 ssql_usecnt 1 ssql_pgcount 6 ssql_optgoal allrows_mix ssql_optlevel ase_default SQL TEXT: select * from t1 plan '(use optgoal allrows_mix)' End of SSQL Hash Table