SAP ASE adds a cyclic redundancy check for accidental changes to raw
data for database or transaction dumps created with compression to check and for
verification that the compression blocks can be correctly read and decompressed.
The syntax
dump database database_name to dump_device with compression=n,verify={crc | read_after_write}
load database database_name from dump_device with verify[only]=crc
- verify=crc – indicates that you are performing a cyclic
redundancy check.
- verify=read_after_write –
Backup Server rereads every compressed block after writing and decompresses it.
If Backup Server finds an error, it prints the offset in the file in which it
finds the error. verify=read_after_write is
only applicable with the dump database
This example verifies database
new_dump before dumping it to the
dump database new_dump to mydumpdev with compression=x,verify=read_after_write
This example performs a cyclic redundancy check as it loads the
load database new_dump from mydumpdev with verify[only]=crc
This example performs a cyclic redundancy check and rereads every
compressed block before dumping database
new_dump to
dump database new_dump to mydumpdev with compression=x,verify=read_after_write,verify=crc
- Dumps created without the verify=crc parameter use the same format as earlier versions of
Backup Server.
- SAP ASE ignores the verify=crc option if the database was not
originally dumped using verify=crc.
- You cannot load dumps that include cyclic redundancy checks with versions of
Backup Server that do not include this functionality.
- verify={crc | read_after_write} checks are applicable only
for files created using the with compression parameter.
- verify=crc works with any file type, including raw devices,
disk files, tapes, pipes, or APIs. However,
verify=read_after_write requires a ‘seek back’ for
rereading the block, and is applicable only with raw devices and disk files.
- SAP ASE ignores, and does not raise an error message, if you
include verify={crc | read_after_write}
parameters that are not applicable.