Configuring SAP ASE to Track Configuration Changes

To install sp_confighistory, run the installsecurity script.

Note: ch_events collects information from all the audit tables, and becomes out of sync if you add or remove audit tables. If this occurs, ch_events may not include some configuration history record changes, or you may see error messages 208 (table not found) and 4413 (view unusable) when you query ch_events.

Use sp_confighistory create_view to update ch_events when you add or remove audit tables. sp_confighistory create_view drops the view if it exists, and creates a new view that corresponds to the current audit tables.

Install and enable the audit system. See the Security Administration Guide.

  1. Enable configuration history tracking (requires the sa_role, sso_role, or manage auditing if granular permission is enabled):
    sp_audit "config_history", "all", "all", "on"
    Note: Issuing sp_audit is recorded in the configuration history.
  2. Enable auditing:
    sp_configure 'auditing', 1
  3. Move to the sybsecurity database:
    use sybsecurity
  4. Create the ch_events view:
    sp_confighistory create_view