The monThresholdEvent monitoring table includes one row for each event recorded by SAP ASE.
Enable the allow resource limits configuration parameter to enable resource limits collection. Enable the enable monitoring, threshold event monitoring, and set threshold event max messages configuration parameters for this monitoring table to collect data.
monThresholdEvent is a stateful historical monitoring table (see the Performance and Tuning Guide: Monitoring Tables). Determine the number of events monThresholdEvent stores with the threshold event max messages configuration parameter.
Name | Datatype | Attribute | Description |
SPID | int4 | Server process ID. | |
InstanceID | int1 | ID of the instance within the cluster.. | |
KPID | int4 | SAP ASE kernel process ID. | |
KTID | int4 | ID of the kernel task. | |
ServerUserID | int4 | Server user identifier (SUID) of the user who executed this SQL text. The ServerUserID matches the value in syslogins.suid. Use the suser_name function to obtain the corresponding name. | |
FamilyID | int4 | NULL | spid of the parent process. |
Login | varchar(30) | NULL | Login user name. |
Application | varchar(30) | NULL | Application name. |
HostName | varchar(30) | NULL | Client host name. |
ClientName | varchar(30) | NULL | Client name set with set clientname. |
ClientHostName | varchar(30) | NULL | Value of the clienthostname property set by the application. |
ClientApplName | varchar(30) | NULL | Value of the clientapplname property set by the application. |
ClientIP | varchar(64) | NULL | IP address of the client. |
Command | varchar(30) | NULL | Category of process or command the process is currently executing. |
DBID | int4 | Unique identifier for the database currently being used by the process. | |
DBName | int4 | NULL | Name of the database running the process. |
ProcedureID | int4 | Unique identifier for the procedure. | |
BatchID | int4 | Unique identifier for the SQL batch containing the statement being executed. | |
LineNumber | int4 | Line number of the current statement within the SQL batch. | |
BlockingSPID | int4 | NULL | Session process identifier of the process holding the lock this process requested, if waiting for a lock. |
TempDbObjects | int4 | Counter | Total number of temporary tables created by the process. |
RangeID | int2 | Range ID of the limit. | |
LimitType | varchar(30) | Limit type. | |
LimitID | int2 | Limit identifier. | |
LimitValue | int4 | Value of the limit that was voilated. | |
Enforced | int1 | Determines if the limit is enforced prior to, or during, query execution. | |
Action | int1 | Action to perform when the limit is exceeded. | |
Scope | int1 | Scope of the limit. | |
ReportDatetime | datetime | Date and time the report was issued due to the limit violation. | |
SQLText | varchar(255) | SQL text of the event. |