SAP ASE version 16.0 introduces the use fact_table abstract plan
hint, which specifies the central fact table in a star join query, and triggers special
query plan optimization strategies for the query.
The syntax is:
PLAN '(use fact_table fact_table_name_or_alias_name)'
- fact_table – indicates that the query includes a fact table
from a star join.
- fact_table_name_or_alias_name – specifies the name or alias
name used for the central fact table. In this example, F is the
alias name:
use fact_table 'F'
For example, this joins the
Orders fact table to the
Customer, and
select C.dattr, sum(O.measure1), count(*)
from Orders O
join Time T on O.key_dim1 = T.key_col
join Customer C on O.key_dim2 = C.key_col
join Location L on O.key_dim3 = L.key_col
where T.dattr between 1 and 1000
and C.dattr between 1001 and 2000
and L.dattr between 901 and 1900
group by C.dattr
plan '(use fact_table O)'
use fact_table hint makes these changes to the query processor's
star query detection algorithm and plan generation:
- The detection algorithm starts with the
fact_table_alias_name. This table is always the center of a
snowflake schema.
- Allows or clauses.
- Allows joins between the fact table and the dimension tables to be multicolumn
equijoins. You need not include an explicit constraint definition between
primary and foriegn keys.
- If the query processor cannot locate a good plan for the nested loop join while
it generates the query plan for the star join (typically due to missing indexes
or less restrictive selectivities), it choses a hash join plan with a forced
join order. The join order is based on the selectivities between the dimension
and the fact tables. The higher the selectivity (that is, a lower ratio value),
the closer the dimension tables are in that join order to the fact table.
The query processor ignores the
use fact_table hint unless the query
meets these conditions:
- The query has at least three tables.
- The query has no outer joins or nested subqueries.
- The hinted fact table is the largest joining table within its query block.
- The dimension tables and the fact table are joined with equijoins.
- There are no join predicates between the dimension tables.