Changed Utilities

Changed Adaptive Server 15.7 SP100 utilities.


An Xextended_object_type, –XDE has been added for -TDB. The new type allows you to generate a database and all of its objects in correct dependent order. For example, you can issue the following to generate the DDL in the order listed below:

ddlgen –S –U –P –TDB –Ndbname –XDE  
  1. Segment
  2. Group
  3. User
  4. Rules
  5. Defaults
  6. UDDs
  7. Encrypted Keys
  8. User Tables
  9. Proxy Tables
  10. Triggers
  11. Functions and Views
    1. all functions without any dependency
    2. all views without any dependency
    3. all functions and all views with any dependency on any functions and views
  12. Instead of trigger
  13. Stored Procedures
  14. Extended Stored Procedures
  15. PRS
  16. User Defined Web Services


optdiag adds the prs_name parameter. The changed syntax is:
optdiag [binary] [simulate] statistics
    { -i input_file | database[.owner[.[{table|prs_name}[.column] ] ] ] [-o output_file] }
    . . . 

where prs_name indicates the name of the precomputed result set.

When you specify:
  • A database name – optdiag includes information about statistics for any precomputed result sets in the database.
  • Precomputed result set – optdiag includes statistical information for precomputed result sets.
This example displays information for the precomputed result set prs1:
optdiag statistics prsdb..prs1 -Usa -Ppass –Sserver

Server name:                            ""

Specified database:                     "prsdb"
Specified table owner:                  not specified
Specified table:                        "prs1"
Specified column:                       not specified

Table owner:                            "dbo"
Table name:                             "prs1"
Table type:                             "precomputed result set"

Statistics for table:                   "prs1"

. . . 

No statistics for remaining columns:    "a"
(default values used)                                 

Optdiag succeeded.


The sybrestore utility adds support for password protect dump files. When restoring a database, you must provide the password for dump files that are password protected.