Changed Adaptive Server 15.7 SP100 utilities.
An Xextended_object_type, –XDE has been added for -TDB. The new type allows you to generate a database and all of its objects in correct dependent order. For example, you can issue the following to generate the DDL in the order listed below:
ddlgen –S –U –P –TDB –Ndbname –XDE
optdiag [binary] [simulate] statistics { -i input_file | database[.owner[.[{table|prs_name}[.column] ] ] ] [-o output_file] } . . .
where prs_name indicates the name of the precomputed result set.
optdiag statistics prsdb..prs1 -Usa -Ppass –Sserver Server name: "" Specified database: "prsdb" Specified table owner: not specified Specified table: "prs1" Specified column: not specified Table owner: "dbo" Table name: "prs1" Table type: "precomputed result set" Statistics for table: "prs1" . . . No statistics for remaining columns: "a" (default values used) Optdiag succeeded.
The sybrestore utility adds support for password protect dump files. When restoring a database, you must provide the password for dump files that are password protected.